Dening Wu Lohez, China Interview, Oriental Morning Post, 28 November 2012
Author: jl911
Mme Dening Wu Lohez est nommé Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite français (French)
Dening Wu Lohez décorée pour sa promotion des échanges franco-américains
From France-Amérique, 2 May 2013
Mercredi 1er mai, le consulat général de France à New York a décoré Dening Wu Lohez lors d’une cérémonie en son honneur.
Immédiatement après avoir perdu son mari français dans les attentats du 11-Septembre, en 2001, Dening Wu Lohez a fait un don en son nom : une bourse scolaire a été ainsi créée via le Stevens Institute of Technology, l’université où le couple s’était rencontré. Jérôme Lohez était alors étudiant, en échange aux Etats-Unis. Il s’était installé à New York après avoir obtenu son diplôme.
“Mon mari était est arrivé via un programme d’échange. Quand on était étudiants, on avait toujours besoin d’argent”, raconte Dening Wu Lohez, qui a la double nationalité franco-américaine. De là est née l’idée de la Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation. Crée en 2005, la fondation vise à promouvoir les échanges franco-américains et offre chaque année des bourses à 5 étudiants pour qu’ils puissent passer l’année scolaire dans une université partenaire. Parmi celles-ci, on compte Princeton, NYU, Columbia, Stevens aux Etats-Unis, Sciences Po, Paris I et Polytechnique en France, et maintenant aussi Fudan, à Shanghai.
“Les jeunes gens sont les leaders du futur”, note l’enseignante en économie et finance à Pace University, qui est née en Chine et arrivée aux Etats-Unis en 1986. “Par ailleurs, le 11-Septembre a été un acte de haine. Il faut remédier à ça par le dialogue”, analyse-t-elle. Sa fondation a donc pour intention de favoriser cette communication : “aller à l’étranger permet de comprendre les cultures, les différences et les gens, de s’adapter, de coexister”.
C’est pour ce travail qu’elle a été remerciée le 1er mai à New York. Elle s’est vu remettre les insignes de chevalier dans l’ordre national du mérite par Richard Ortoli, lui-même chevalier dans l’ordre national du mérite et conseiller à l’Assemblée des Français de l’étranger. “C’est un honneur inattendu”, a-t-elle exprimé avec enthousiasme et en avançant quelques mots de français. Elle a gardé un lien très fort avec la France à travers sa belle-famille : “j’y vais régulièrement parce que les parents de mon mari, meurtris, refusent de mettre un pied aux Etats-Unis”.
Dening Lohez, June 2014
2015年5月14日傍晚, Jérome Lohez 9/11教育基金会在纽约法国领事馆中心的Rose Salon召开了第十届年度庆典及颁奖。
傍晚穿过Rose Salon窗帘的阳光和在领事馆对面郁郁葱葱的树木迎接着来访的宾客。在开始的欢迎环节中,Carla Virola女士以及她的乐队献上优美的歌声,餐前小点和鸡尾酒的助兴也让在场宾客在开始的一小时兴致颇高。
接下来,集演唱演员音乐家于一身的 Virola女士作为主持人让大家迅速安静了下来。作为有十年Lohez基金会工作经历、一直以来担任官员的法国领事馆先生做了开场致辞。
“这是一个令人感到激动的Lohez基金会十周年庆典,”Virola女士说道,“激动的不仅是即将授予奖学金的五位国际学生,也有积极招募并且欢迎新成员的执行董事会的成员。在未来的几周时间内, Kelsey Holland女士创造的一个非常棒的三语网站也即将会上线。”
之后,Virola女士向宾客介绍了Lohez基金会的创立者、同时也是一个以教育为己任的Dening Wu Lohez女士。
“你们许多人都知道, 美国和法国官方今年一月宣布,到2025年,两国之间的交换生数量会翻一番。同时,法国和中国的交换生数目会从现在的35000增加到50000人。
接着走上主席台的是特意从巴黎飞来纽约参加庆典的EPITA(École Pour l’Informatique et les Techniques Avancées)的负责人,Joël Courtois博士。他是EPITA和史蒂文斯理工学院的双料学位获得者。不得不说的是,史蒂文斯理工学院是Lohez先生和Dening Wu女士初次相见的地方。
第三位是Anne B. Waters博士。他将2015 Lohez奖学金颁给了取得巴黎政治学院和哥伦比亚大学SIPA项目双料学位的Juliette Faure女士。Waters博士作为Lohez基金会2015奖学金项目的评选委员会成员,同时直到今年年初还是哥伦比亚大学国际及公共事务学院的副院长。
随后,Antoine Desir先生将2015lohez奖学金颁给了获得EPITA 和 史蒂文斯理工学院双学位的Barbara Crépeau女士。Desir先生是Lohez学者和哥伦比亚大学/巴黎综合理工学院的双学位研究生。他现在就读于哥伦比亚大学数学系的博士项目,主攻运筹学。
今晚也有一位“虚拟的“宾客来自法国。 获得了2015 Lohez奖学金的Soliman Elcheikh先生虽然因为巴黎政治学院的期末考试未能出席,但他用视频的方式致辞,并为我们展现了秀丽的地中海风情。
在联合国工作、巴黎纽约卫视的积极参与者Sibylle Eschapasse女士介绍了Elcheikh的杰出事迹。Eschapasse女士同时也是法国国际公务员组织在纽约的主席。
下一位走上颁奖台的是Kai Yang先生,他是纽约Dejavu couturier的拥有者。Kai Yang先生作了简短的致辞,并赠送了Lohez女士三份礼品券。Lohez女士代表Lohez基金会接受了礼品券,并将在Lohez基金会的Facebook页面上作为募捐活动来拍卖。
Richard Ortoli先生,法国民选美东代表;
Léa Futschik女士, 高等教育专员,Partner University法国外交文化服务基金会执行主管;
Allan Chapin先生,美法基金会主席;
Joël Courtois博士, 巴黎EPITA主管;
Michael Bruno先生,史蒂文斯理工学院科学与工程Schaefer学院院长;
Gregory Prastacos先生,史蒂文斯理工学院商学院院长;
Dawn da Silva女士,史蒂文斯发展办公室;
Sharen Glennon女士,史蒂文斯理工学院商学院副院长;
Patrick A. Berzinski先生, Tranquility49 PR执行总裁。
Lohez女士也特别感谢Sibylle Eschapasse女士和Karen Wang女士,她们邀请了许多宾客出席今晚的活动。
Translation by Jialu Yan
Lohez Foundation 2013 Awards Ceremony Hosted By French Consul General in NYC
The French Consul General in New York City, Mr. Bertrand Lortholary, presided during the May 1, 2013, Awards Ceremony at the French Consulate in New York, recognizing the 2013 student recipients of the Lohez Foundation Scholarships. It was the first such occasion in which two French students studying at universities in China were recognized for their achievements.
Guests arrived to the sounds of the New York University-based classical violin duo, Ms Lydia Brown (right) and Ms. Celine Reyes (left), who offered a selection of musical works by Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Mouret, Saint-Saens and Shostakovich. Guests were immediately treated to a selection of superb passed hors d’oeuvres, catered by Diane Gordon Catering, accompanied by fine red and white wines provided through a generous donation from Pernod Ricard USA.
The MC for the Awards Ceremony was Professor Daniel Duchamp, Head of the Department of Computer Science in the Schaefer School of Engineering and Science at Stevens Institute of Technology.
“Recently,” Dr. Duchamp said in his opening remarks, “I had the honor of chairing the Selection Committee that determined which candidates would be awarded this year’s Lohez Scholarships. In the process, I came to know and appreciate the mission and purpose of the foundation and its history.”
Duchamp noted that the Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation was created in 2005 by Dening Wu Lohez in memory of her late husband. “As Dening has explained in numerous media interviews,” said Duchamp, “her chief aim was to help bridge the cultural gap that she perceived to be widening between France, the land of Jerome’s birth, and the US, which had become their adopted home as a married couple.”
Duchamp (below, right) reminded the audience that both Jérôme and Dening had met as graduate students at Stevens, accounting for the “close and deepening bond between Stevens Institute and the Lohez Foundation,” adding that “the foundation also benefits from a significant collaboration with the Alliance Program at Columbia University, where Dening Lohez is also an alumna of the School of International and Public Affairs.”
Before the awards presentation, mention was also made of some of the evening’s other honored guests, beginning with Consul General Lortholary (left), and the French Elected Representative for the Eastern United States, Mr. Richard Ortoli, who earlier had presented Ms. Lohez with the Chevalier Medal of the French National Order of Merit for outstanding international service.
Also in attendance were Dr. Michael S. Bruno, Dean of the Schaefer School of Engineering & Science at Stevens; Dr. Gregory Prastacos, Dean of the Howe School of Technology Management at Stevens; Monsieur Patrice Beliard, CEO of Beauté Prestige International, whose company creates, develops and markets the fragrances of Issey Miyake, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Narciso Rodriguez; Mr. Allan Chapin, Chairman of the Board of the French-American Foundation; Mr. Martin Bischoff, Managing Director of the French-American Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Ann Bynoe, Chair of the Economics Department at Pace University; Ms. Nicole Panzica, Student Representative to the Ramapo College Board of Trustees, and Associate for Creative Marketing with Tranquility49 LLC, media consultants to the Lohez Foundation; and Ms. Dawn Da Silva, Assistant Vice President for Development, Stevens.
Thanks were also given to Mr. Yann Yochum, Deputy Consul, Head of Press and Politics, for the kind assistance of his office; and Mrs. Anne-Sophie Bris, for her assistance in coordinating the evening’s events.
Dr. Duchamp also extended Ms. Lohez’ thanks to the Event Committee that assembled to work on the Awards Ceremony, chaired by Ms. Sharen Glennon (below left, with husband Mr. Geraldo Nogueiro), Stevens Institute of Technology; assisted by Dr. Duchamp; Mr. Patrick Berzinski, Tranquility49 LLC; Mr. Stephane Bouniol, Credit Suisse;Ms. Yu-chen Juang, Fordham University; Ms. Grace Lieberman, New York University; and Ms. Amandine Tristani, Pace University.
Mr. Bouniol, Vice President at Credit Suisse, co-founding board member of the Lohez Foundation, and representative of EPITA, from which institution he holds a dual graduate degree in concert with Stevens Institute, presented the first award to a 2013 Lohez Scholar, Monsieur Alexandre Montfort (right), who is completing a dual graduate degree from EPITA and Stevens Institute of Technology.
The second award was presented by a 2012 Lohez Scholar, Mr. Andres Lizcano Rodriguez, dual degree recipient from Sciences Po and the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. Andres presented to his classmate and 2013 Lohez Scholar, Monsieur Côme Dechery (below right), Sciences Po and Columbia University-SIPA.
Presenting the third scholarship award of the evening was Ms. Barbara Wing, co-founding board member of the Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Foundation.
Dr. Duchamp then mentioned that the Lohez Foundation expanded its reach in 2012 to include alliances with universities in China. Two scholars from France studying in China were chosen to receive awards from the Lohez Foundation. One, Monsieur Silvio Ghiglione, has been completing studies between the Université Paul Valéry and the Beijing Normal University; the other, Madamoiselle Louise Battus, has been completing a joint degree between Sciences Po and Shanghai Fudan University.
A brief piece of video coverage from Shanghai Television’s English-language news was then screened for the assembled group, showing a ceremony that was held last November at the home of French Consul General Emmanuel Lenain in Shanghai, attended by Ms. Lohez and the two Lohez Scholars in China.
Before the evening drew to a close, Dr. Duchamp summed up the themes of the Awards Ceremony: “The Lohez Foundation professes an impressive humanitarian vision, focused on cultivating a class of global leaders with a truly global outlook. The organization is now looking to build its executive and advisory boards, its academic and corporate alliances, and to grow its modest endowment into a competitive resource for increased cultural exchange and mutual understanding. If anyone here wishes to become part of that effort,” he concluded, “or knows someone who might, now or in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Lohez to schedule a discussion of the possibilities and the opportunities that lie ahead.”
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2014-2015年度杰罗姆. 洛汉斯911奖学金获奖者
Camille Andrieu, 2014
Camille在高中和大学期间曾经被选为国家级的运动员。她先后在从Institute of Political Studies (IEP)以及巴黎大学取得了政治学和法律的学位。
Barbara Crépeau, 2014
(法国,ÉPITA -斯蒂文斯理工学学院,双硕士学位)
Barbara 即将在法国完成她的计算机硕士学位的最后一学期的学习。她主修实时和嵌入式系统。在2015年,她将来到斯蒂文斯理工学院攻读计算机领域的双学位。
“有很多初创公司(在纽约)”,Barbara说,“人们需要去探索和创新一些想法,去把握住新的商业机会。在纽约诞生里很多新的科技公司:Tumblr, Etsy, Kayak, Shutterstock。这些纽约的初创公司表明,硅谷并没有垄断科技创新领域。”
Soliman Elcheikh, 2014
Soliman Elcheikh目前是就读哥伦比亚大学—巴黎政治学院联合项目的一位大二学生。他在学习当中接触到的多元文化已经成为他生活的一部分。
“这些价值观(如上),是Lohez基金会的灵魂”, 他说。“文化和教育交流是一个可以改善世界的强大的工具。我会付出我个人的努力来成为这种变化的一部分。”
Juliette Faure, 2014
在与经济学家Jean Drèze结识以后,Juliette参加了印度政府对恰尔肯德邦地区(印度最贫穷的地区之一)的援助工作队伍,同时对印度农村就业保障法实施实况评估。她掌握的印地语起到了很到的重要作用,她成功的融入当地人组成的团队之中。
在来到哥伦比亚大学之前的一年,Juliette选择去缅甸去获得新的实践经验。在那,她参加了NGO “绿莲花”环保组织。
Paloma Moritz, 2014
在完成她在巴黎政治学院和加州圣巴巴拉大学的本科学习后,Paloma开始了她在巴黎政治学院-复旦大学(传媒双硕士学位)的学习。她相信这是一个正确的选择。“我在中,法,美三国的教育经验无疑在将来是 一笔巨大的财富”,她说。
Paloma还有着其他的亮点。她曾担任主持人,新闻编辑和雅虎政治节目的采访者。她采访了众多著名的法国政治家,比如让 – 路易·博洛,让·吕克·梅朗雄,布鲁诺乐霾热,亨利Guaino瓦莱丽Pécresse和纳贾特Vallaud Belkacem。
2015年度Jérôme Lohez奖学金评选委员会
Michael zur Muehlen (奖学金评选委员会主席,斯蒂文斯理工学学,The Howe School,院长)
Anne Waters (哥伦比亚大学,国际关系学院副院长)
Eleonora Russo (巴黎政治学院,教授)
Hong Bing(复旦大学,传媒学院副院长)
Yitian Huang(复旦大学,国际关系学院教授)
Stephane Bouniol (瑞士信贷集团,副总裁)
Côme J. Dechery (世界银行,顾问分析师)
Sharen Glennon (斯蒂文斯理工学学院,The Howe School, 副主任)
Patrick A. Berzinski (奖学金评选委员会见证人,Tranquility49 LLC, CEO)