Dr. Svetlana Malinovskaya is an Associate Professor and the director of Ultrafast Dynamics and Control Theory Laboratory in the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at Stevens Institute of Technology. Dr. Malinovskaya’s research has resulted in contributions to publications in leading journals, including Optics Letters and Physical Review, conference proceedings and patents. She has also developed courses that are taught at the Stevens Institute of Technology in her department.
Well-learned in her field, Dr. Malinovskaya has amassed an extensive amount of education, which includes a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, a master of science equivalency in physics from Novosibirsk State University and a bachelor of science equivalency in physics from Krasnoyarsk State University. She also completed a fellowship in ultrafast optical science at the FOCUS Center at the University of Michigan and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
Now with almost two decades of professional experience, Dr. Malinovskaya has been focused on research in theoretical studies of ultrafast laser pulse interaction with atoms and molecules and designing femtosecond pulses with particular spectral properties to control molecular dynamics.
She investigates ultrafast molecular dynamics and the impact of fast decoherence in Stimulated Raman scattering and Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering spectroscopy. In addition, she designs sequences of frequency tailored pulses providing an optimal Raman signal in the presence of decoherence using quantum control techniques. Novel control methods will result in major advancements in detection of biomedical and chemical species as well as new developments in imaging and environmental sensing technology.
Recently, Dr. Malinovskaya put her research efforts into quantum control at ultracold temperatures. She has proposed a technique for internal state cooling from the Feshbach state using optical frequency combs. Optical frequency combs have been recognized as new and unique tool for quantum control applications.
Dr. Malinovskaya keeps abreast of her field through her memberships with the American Physical Society, American Chemical Society, Optical Society of America, Association for Women in Science and the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics. She received grants in physics from the National Science Foundation in 2009 and 2012, and a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 2008.