Meet Inwoo Kim - Inwoo is a junior at the dual degree program between Columbia University and Sciences Po Paris, Campus du Havre, studying economics, politics, and government. Having joined the dual degree program with a profound interest in regional security as a South
Accepting Applications Now - The Jérome Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation is now accepting 2024–2025 Scholarship Applications. Please find details on the Scholarship Application page. NB: Deadline for applications is January 31, 2025.
2023-2024 Awards Ceremony - The Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation was pleased to award scholarships to the 2023-2024 recipients on May 7, 2024 during a Cocktail Dînatoire at Café Un, Deux, Trois, in cooperation with the Paris American Club. Fabrizio Dimino – Master’s degree
2023-2024 Awards Ceremony Invitation - Dear Friends, The Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation, which endeavors to bring good from the tragedy of 23 years ago, looks optimistically to the future and requests the pleasure of your company to honor our 2023-24 scholarship recipients, joined by
2023–2024 Scholarships Announced - The Jurors of the Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation recently announced the recipients of the 2023-2024 scholarship awards. The scholars are: Fabrizio Dimino – Master’s degree in financial technology and analytics at the Stevens Institute of Technology Inwoo Kim –