2019–2020 Sponsors
Institutional Sponsors
Columbia University Alliance Program
Columbia University School of General Studies
Columbia University SIPA
Family Foundation Grant
Corporate Matching Program
Major Benefactors ($1,000 and above)
Dening Wu Lohez
David Shainok and Diana Wu-Shainok
Patrons ($500–999)
Diana Wege
Ambassador and Mrs. Craig R. Stapleton
In-kind Donations
Alouette Communications
Elie Abdi
Chocolate Creations
Thomas Franklin
Sharon Glenn
Brian T. Kelly, CPA & Associates, LLC
Dening Lohez
Select Auto Services
The National Arts Club
Emily Wexler
Friends ($100–499)
Ellie Abdi
Kevin Barry
John F Bennett
Jim Canto
Cindy Chen
Gwenole de Charette
David Dotty
Francis Dubois
Irene Finel-Honigman
Thomas Franklin
Kimberly Grieger
Ephraim Hirshberg
Miao Hong
Wei Huang
Carol Johnson
Emmanuel Kattan
Alessia Lefebure
Thomas Philippeau
Christophe Pierre
Gregory Prastacos
Emily Wexler
Barbara Wing
Two Anonymous Donors through Facebook