Welcome to the Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation.
The Jérôme Lohez 9/11 Scholarship Foundation is the only charitable organization established after the 9/11 tragedy that is dedicated specifically to promoting educational and cultural exchange among the U.S., France and China. By providing scholarship awards to multinational graduate students, enabling them to study in one another’s homelands, the Foundation aims to shape the next generation of global citizen, along with a new class of international policy makers. The Foundation also seeks to develop a pool of highly-trained multicultural business leaders to serve as innovators in multinational commerce.
The foundation was launched in November 2005 in honor of Jérôme Robert Lohez, a French citizen who died in the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
我们基金会的成立是为了纪念一位在911事件中逝去的国际友人—杰罗姆. 洛汉斯(Jérôme Lohez),他来自自由的国度—法兰西,他信奉着人本主义,他是一位杰出的工程师。该基金会的顺利成立也是一些私人慈善组织努力的成果。
Executive Board
Dening Lohez, Founder
Stéphane Bouniol, Vice-President
Ann B. Cianflon, Legal Counselor
Brian T. Kelly, CPA
Sibylle Eschapasse, Author/International Official, United Nations
Jeff de Valdivia, CFA, CFP, Fleurus Investment Advisory, LLC
Emily Wexler, PE, Director, Strategic Initiatives, NextLevel Practice
Svetlana A. Malinovskaya, Ph.D., Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology
Advisory Board
Francois Delattre, French Ambassador to the United States
Philippe Lalliot, Former French Consul General to New York, Current French Foreign Ministry Spokesperson and Director of Communications
Antonin Baudry, Cultural Counselor of French Embassy
Fabrice Bardeche, Director, EPITA
Dr. Edmund Kwan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Cornell University Medical College and New York Medical College
Dr. Joёl Courtois, Director, EPITA
Ms. Roxie Smith, Vice Provost, Columbia University in the City of New York
Dr. Zhang Xiulan, Dean, School of Social Development & Public Policy, Beijing Normal University
Scholarship Award Selection Committee
Professor Daniel Duchamp, Chair; Director, Computer Science Department, Stevens Institute of Technology
Professor Hong Bing, Associate Professor, Assistant to Dean School of Journalism, Fudan University, Shanghai
Mr. Stephane Bouniol, VP at Credit Suisse
Mr. Côme J. Dechery, Consultant Analyst at the Center for Conflict, Security and Development, The World Bank
Ms. Sharen Glennon, Committee Witness; Associate Director, Wesley J Howe School of Technology Management, Stevens
Professor Zhang Ji, Assistant Professor of Diplomacy at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University
Professor Paul Rohmeyer, Industry Assistant Professor & Program Director, Systems Security Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology
Ms. Dalia Shendi, Committee Recording Officer; Liaison to Young Alumni, Stevens Institute of Technology
Professor Imola Streho, Centre d’études européennes, Sciences Po, Paris
Young Alumni Council
Annabelle Libeau, (2014 Recipient)
Côme Dechery, (2013 Recipient)
Paula Henin, (2011 Recipient)
Elodie Nguyen, (2014 Recipient)
Philip Carls
Vincent de Lagabbe
Ms. Camille Athènes, 2012, Université de Lorraine UFR Lettres et Langues
Ms. Athènes completed a 2012 bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages applied to Business at the Université de Lorraine UFR Lettres et Langues, with a particular emphasis on English and Italian. During her time as a marketing intern with the Lohez Foundation, while officed at the French-American Foundation, Camille engaged in market research, strategy planning, event coordination, text translation, and a variety of administrative tasks. She expects to earn a master’s degree in International Finance in 2014 from the Université de Lorraine ESM-IAE.
Ms. Lauren B. Corn, 2012, New York University
Ms. Corn is a 2013 graduate of New York University, majoring in French Language and Literature. She also spent time at New York University in Paris to experience the French way of life while enhancing her French Language skills and deepening her knowledge of French culture and history. She was French Club President and a National Honor Society member in High School. After her work with the Lohez Foundation, Lauren joined the Sciences Po Foundation as a bi-lingual intern for the spring 2013 semester. Following graduation, she plans to seek experience in the world of business, potentially in the field of import-export and/or consumer retail.
Ms. Grace Lieberman, 2013, New York University
Ms. Lieberman is a 2013 graduate of New York University, bringing an array of language, managerial and media skills to her internship with the Lohez Foundation as its 2012-2013 student associate. Receiving her bachelor’s degree in Romance Languages in May 2013, Grace’s name has been published to the Dean’s List in each of her academic years to date. Fluent in both French and Italian, she traveled abroad to Florence, Italy, during the 2011 Fall Semester, where she taught English at the Scuola Dell’Infanzia Merlo Bianco and tutored visually impaired students in French and English at the Convitto Vittorio Emanuele II. Grace lent her skills in design, multimedia and project management to several major initiatives at the Lohez Foundation. She plans to pursue a career in the field of education.
Ms. Katherine Bradley, 2013, Muhlenberg College
Ms. Bradley is a rising senior at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She will graduate in May 2014 with a French major and Sustainability Studies minor. During her junior year, Katherine spent both semesters abroad at the American University Center of Provence in Aix-en-Provence, France. While abroad, she strengthened her French language skills as well as increasing her understanding of the French culture and society. In addition, she completed two community service experiences which helped her to integrate into the culture and fully experience life in France. In the fall of 2012, she tutored English with young French schoolchildren at Secours Catholique and in the spring of 2013 she spent time creating art with the members of Les Ateliers Arts et Découvertes. Katherine is thrilled to join the Lohez Foundation and contribute her knowledge and skills.
Ms. Nathalie Froger, 2014, American Language Communication Center
Ms. Nathalie Froger is a young French professional pursuing English studies at the American Language Communication Center in New York City. Nathalie worked for six years in production design and multimedia for Editions Bréal in France, and she has volunteered to assist the Lohez Foundation with a number of design-related projects. Nathalie holds a French Professional Degree in Content Management for Web and Multimedia Design from the Université de Paris 13, Bobigny, France, and a Professional Certificate in Publishing from ASFORED (Centre de formation du Syndicat national de l’édition), Paris. Nathalie looks forward to learning more about the American publishing and multimedia industries.
Ms. Maureen Hassall, Summer 2015, University of British Columbia in Vancouver
Ms. Hassall is a rising junior at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada studying Political Science and International Relations with a focus on languages. She is fluent in French and has spent many summers in France experiencing French culture and society. In addition to this, she will be spending a semester abroad during her senior year at Sciences Po in Paris, France. Maureen is very excited to join the Lohez Foundation to put forward her knowledge of French culture and to learn the ropes of working in an international company, as she plans to pursue a career in this sector.
Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic (Feb. 19, 2008)
Zhao JianJun, Ambassador of China to France (May 14. 2007, in Chinese)
Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the UMP (Oct. 9, 2006, in French)
2012 Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax & Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations
2011 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations
2011 Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
2010 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations
2010 Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
2009 Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
2008 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations
2008 Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
2007 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations
2007 Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
2006 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations
2006 Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax